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High School Art Classes

Beginning Art

Beginning Art

Students learn about the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. Students will learn how to identify them in a work of art and demonstrate them in a project.

Advaned Art

 Prerequisite: 2 years of Beginning Art

Advanced Art

This class is student led. Students choose what project they are currently working on from a list and then have in class studio time until finished. Students are encouraged to push themselves further and think outside of the box.

Graphic Arts

 Prerequisite: 1 year of Beginning Art

Graphic Arts

Students will use the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create images for "companies." Students will start designing on paper and will move to photoshop half way through the year to create computer generated pieces.

Glass & Ceramics

 Prerequisite: 1 year of Beginning Art

Glass & Ceramics

In Glass students will learn how to construct glass pieces. Students will learn the correct technique and procedure. Students will create things from pendants, to plates, to mosaics, and more. In Ceramics students will learn different hand building techniques for clay and different surface treatments. 

studio art

This class is student led completely. Student's will design and create their own projects using mediums of their choice. 

 Prerequisite: 2 years of Beginning Art, 1 year of Advanced Art

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